Business Solutions

Engagement Model

Flexible & Hassle-Free Connotations for Reliable Software Solutions

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Fixed Fee
  • Reflects client requirements & business needs accurately
  • Chalks out clear milestones & objectives to increase speed & efficiency
  • Assures adherence to timelines & budgets
  • Payments based on milestones or partial deliverables proving to be advantageous for the client
Time & Material
  • Suits dynamic requirements & unpredictable, intricate operations
  • A very logical choice for projects with indefinable scope
  • Offers easy inclusion of new requirements into the scope
  • Implies greater flexibility & cost effectiveness as the time of the resources can be utilized for changing requirements
  • A small scope implemented by TechExtensor in a very short time to give the client a flavour of our
    • Project management practices
    • Quality & testing processes
    • Development & review methodologies
    • Infrastructure & security policies
  • Assists customers in deciding a “Go” or a “No Go” for large projects
  • Minimizes risks taken by clients


Dedicated Resource
  • The dedicated resources software model is a business model of business collaboration between the customer and the service provider in software outsourcing.
  • Dedicated Resource Model offers IT professionals/engineers that will fully concentrate on the client’s needs, client has full management control over the project and IT professionals / engineers.Specifically, upon contract signing, the software client obtains a team of remote software developers at his disposal, selected according to the requirements of a project.

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